September 23, 1937 - September 28, 2020
This site is a digital solution to give insight into who he is, his impact and a place of sharing memories. Absorb the information and feel free to add in your stories, photos or images for others or just the family to see.
Thank you for being apart of our McCain family.
Dr. Janaka Bowman-Lewis
Childhood friend of Tiffany
I can't remember the first time I met Mr. Sam McCain, but I remember spending countless days at the house, in the basement, outside, eating, and getting lots of valuable life lessons that he shared with Tiffany. Especially after having two kids, I appreciate the village style of if you are hanging with my child/grandchild, you are going to hear these lessons, too. Probably my favorite memory that I appreciate now (and didn't then) was the time Tiffany and I wanted to go to the skating rink and he told us no because nobody but no-goods were going to be there. We tried to convince him and he was not budging. We really thought we were going to convince him and did not! I appreciated him always telling the truth though!
Shani Belisle-Jarrett
Dallas friend of Tiffany
In all honesty, I never actually had the pleasure of meeting Sam in person. I know and came to love and appreciate his spirit through the stories and experiences shared with me by his granddaughter that he raised. Tiffany Lum is one of my closest friends. I consider her a sister. If you know Tiffany, she is a mini Sam McCain with the same spunk, smarts, tenacity, integrity, and daring spirit. Always with a wise crack or a wise word of inspiration or comfort...either one always puts a smile on your face. While Tiffany looks just like her grandmother Effie, she is for sure Sam McCain through and through. I’m grateful to him for all of the life lessons he taught her and the woman she grew up to be. Wishing the entire family love, grace, and solace during this time.
Debra Washington
Home Instead Care Taker
I was welcomed with a big smile and a very inquisitive stare. Mr. Sam’s statue almost intimidated me and I wondered how is it going to work, with a big smile on my face. Our journey began and as the days, stories and friendship grew I know we were to be friends for life. Time does not tell but I knew. I was honored to take care of Mr. Sam. God knew what he was doing when he placed me at his doorstep. With love and compassion, Deb