September 23, 1937 - September 28, 2020
This site is a digital solution to give insight into who he is, his impact and a place of sharing memories. Absorb the information and feel free to add in your stories, photos or images for others or just the family to see.
Thank you for being apart of our McCain family.
Henry & Willie Mae Crittenden
Samuel McCain a very unique individual. We met him when he was married to Effie. He loved Tiffany and Ashley and was devoted to their welfare. He enjoyed bowling, cooking and playing cards. Bobby and Sam played Scrabble. Sam enjoyed teasing and telling jokes.
He was very active in his church “Cherry Hill” in South Carolina before his health failed.
We traveled together with Sam and Ruby to a Bowling Tournament in Baton Rouge, Louisiana several years ago. We had a very enjoyable time.
He often talked about his parents, sister and the brothers. He really loved his family.
Robert and Merri McCain
Brother and Sister-in-law
When I think of Billy (Sam in later years), I remember
how he liked to laugh and have fun. Gatherings at his
and Effie’s house were always fun. Their house was the
place to be!!
Bob told me about the time that he and Billy drove cross
country straight through to San Diego to visit Albert. He
told of their adventure (the three of them) in Mexico
during that three-day visit. They went to a nightclub
where the beautiful dancers were trying to get some men
to come up on stage and dance with them. Bob started
to get up when Albert reached out and grabbed him back.
He told Bob those were men!! Oops
I also remember going to church with Sam and Effie.
Man, could he ever drive fast as we were always running
late!! He had me praying before we ever got there!!
Sam was also a wonderful Bible class teacher.
After Bob and I moved to Georgia, Sam and Bob loved
playing Scrabble together. They loved razzing each other
about whether a word that was put down was really a
word. Thank goodness for the official Scrabble
We will miss you Sam and cherish the memories.
Gloria Middleton-Addison
I remembered the good ole times my parents & I went for family holidays, cookouts & times spent attending Carey Hill church services. I really enjoyed the time we all traveled to Williams Brice Stadium to attend South Carolina State Bulldog Classic game. We had a fabulous time, tailgating in the parking lot. I will always remember those great family experiences. Especially, the life lesson talks. God bless the McCain Family, I will be lifting the family up in prayer 🏿